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Mylo and the Witch's Orb
K. E. Eads, author
Beyond the village of Oak Hollow, perched atop the edge of the woods, is an old, crooked home on a cliff. Inside this dwelling, up the staircase to the attic, lives Mylo—a young boy, thirteen years old, who arrived at Alkor’s door in the howling storm all those years ago and was taken in by the reclusive wizard. Since his arrival, creatures from the night have been waiting to ransack the small village for their own dark reasons. When a boy goes missing on the night of the Village Fair and Alkor gets an incurable bite from a redcap, Mylo and his friends go to an old witch across the river for help. In exchange for Alkor’s cure, she tasks them with finding a mysterious orb. As Mylo searches for answers about his life, he discovers that Alkor is not as he appears and is keeping a deep secret—one that could shatter all he has ever known.
