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Neil Vickers
Neil Vickers, author

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

Born in the late fifties, went to school in Derby England, mainly midstream education. It was a lack of concentration that made me lose my place at the top grammar school, the exams went disastrously wrong. It was never a good thing asking me to concentrate, my mind would always be somewhere else, thinking all the time about other things. Being at school was a secondary chore in place of a primary, although I was always marked good for turning in every day. I had little absences from school but juggled time between school and play. I was a bit arty and crafts at school was a subject I enjoyed, my teacher more or less begged me to go to art school as he said I was his best student in years but the lure of a city and guilds apprenticeship in plumbing and heating with wages outweighed the other of five years at art school with no incentive beyond that. Nature was what I enjoyed when I was younger and all the books I read would have been linked to birds or animals. My early days would be spent walking in the countryside with my friends to see nature thriving around us. I still enjoy going out and getting as close to nature as I can. I was busy after my apprenticeship finished whilst I tried to start my own business as a self-employed plumber installing central heating systems. I eventually moved into building work, a fairly natural progression into property and creating a portfolio of property rentals. I started to write manuscripts on different subjects without publishing any of the unfinished work due to my workload that I had created, and time was not a luxury I could afford. I had not read novels as I was more interested in nature and I was fascinated by nature and its diversity. I would watch programs on animals, the ocean and its inhabitants, birds of all kinds from the biggest hawks and vultures down to the smallest hummingbirds. Reptiles were always something that I enjoyed reading about and the environments they lived in. I spent the last thirty years building new houses and large care homes for the elderly and running the day-to-day administration of caring for the elderly residents. I started writing books again with a view to publishing them after the pandemic (Covid), it had given me a new lease of life to start writing again but this time not to just write a manuscript but to write it and publish it. I seem to have been born with a gift of a creative mind and photographic memory, the books I write just seem to flow out my head as I am writing them. I seem to be able to write in any genre including fiction of course. I consider myself lucky as I have never read any fiction books. I find I do not affiliate my writing with any other author and do not mimic the style of any. I do my best to make a book exciting to read and entertaining for the reader. I have two books currently in the worldwide market True Love Unlimited and True Love Unlimited The Conclusion. The latest book True Love Unlimited The Conclusion has won the gold prize for its genre Romance, Action, Thriller and I thank Chick Lit Book Café for giving me the first prize for my book. I have just completed and published my new sci-fi book The Sixth Dimension Defined. Publication date July 2024.
True Love Unlimited: The Conclusion by Neil Vickers - CLBC Review

Discover the magical journey

Not all is as it seems in True Love Unlimited. Twists and turns will keep you turning pages on this exciting thriller of a  love story.

Neil Vickers has woven another tension-packed thriller that continues Mateo and Jasmin’s enthralling adventures. In True Love Unlimited: The Conclusion, the couple resumes their exciting journey across Europe as they run from vicious government forces that are after a sought-after sensitive chip containing critical laser tracking information and that the couple happens to have in their possession.

After meeting on a Eurostar train, Mateo and Jasmin fall in love. Mateo later learns about Jasmin’s other frightening side to her personality. Inside of her, lies a dangerous spirit that arises when provoked. As the couple faces attacks at each turn of their journey, Jasmin’s indwelling and fierce spirit comes to their rescue. Stakes rise as those pursuing them step up their search. Their relationship blossoms though their journey is fraught with uncertainty. Mateo and Jasmin try to find safety and stability during their increasingly perilous mission.

Danger looms throughout the couple’s journey as tension rises and suspense-filled twists mark the story at every point. Neil Vickers skillfully maintains a great balance between developing Mateo and Jasmin’s passionate relationship and following their harrowing journey across Europe. The couple’s relationship creates another intriguing and engrossing subplot in the story that contains its own surprising and entertaining turns.

Both lead characters are well-developed with interesting multifaceted personalities, and interesting personal beliefs and life philosophies. Their frustration at constantly living on the run can be felt as they begin to look for an outlet and establish a home for themselves away from the villains that are pursuing them. Vickers brilliantly develops Jasmin’s duality. Malak, the spirit in her, is brutal while her other side is maternal. Mateo is also a compelling character who tries to balance his relationship with Jasmin and his constant concern for their safety.

Action scenes are unexpected and described in vivid detail which will draw readers in. The chase is fast-paced and intense since it involves different governments who are interested in the laser tracking system that could set each one of them apart from all other governments. Vivid images into the places that the couple visits are wonderfully described. They provide perfect extraordinary backdrops for the scenes in the story. While the novel is a continuation of Mateo and Jasmin’s first amazing journey, True Love Unlimited: The Conclusion can fully, and undoubtedly be read as a standalone.

A pulse-pounding thriller packed with suspense, action, intrigue and an outstanding ending, True Love Unlimited: The Conclusion by Neil Vickers is the absorbing sequel to book number one –True Love Unlimited. Readers will find its amazing scenes exciting and enjoy its many clever thrilling unexpected twists and fascinating characters.

Neil Vickers


True Love Unlimted

True Love Unlimited - The Conclusion

The Sixth Dimension Defined

