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Not Knot Naught
S.B. Joon, author
For the last thirteen years, I wandered the earth bewilderedly drunk on the union, love, and I have distilled that experience into an intimate, poetic dialogue that takes on the form of verses. By the lack of a contemporary frame of reference, I can only draw the parallel to Jelaluddin Rumi's 'Masnavi', which very similarly, much rather than writing, feels like a presence, shared through words. 'Not Knot Naught' as I proclaim in its official description, is a quiet pool of water, that only a reader's swimming through, can beautifully ruin to waves. Its genre, I guess, would be epic, ecstatic poetry. Yet do not be mistaken, it very much feels like a novel. Although it is a highly unusual literary work, I believe that it deserves a space in today's world. I have chosen to remain anonymous, which makes advertising the book all the more challenging. I therefore call upon your services, to review my work so I can hopefully get a foot in the door of traditional bookshops.
