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Jennifer DiVita
Not Your Shoe Size
Julia and Colette are life-long best friends who couldn’t age more differently. Julia is a goody two-shoes who embraces her gray hair, wrinkles and geriatric sneakers. Colette is as tough as old boots who never gives up searching for the elusive fountain of youth wearing stilettos. Their experiences of growing up and growing old clash, decade-by-decade, starting when they're 10 and are forced to write their own obituaries. Despite being at odds on whether to embrace their age or defy it, they tie up their bootstraps and journey through life together living to 100. Their fierce loyalty, endearing friendship, and shared experiences—from puberty to menopause—are challenged by the ups and downs of aging well in an ageist society. Not Your Shoes Size is a coming-of-age story told through a series of witty and poignant vignettes that will strike at the osteoporotic funny bone of women who are trying to figure out how to bloom in every stage of life.
