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Mike Ducheine
Obama Legacy

Barack Obama was one of the most popular candidates who bid for the presidency in modern time when he ran in 2008.
As president however, Obama popularity plummeted almost immediately; he suffered the fiercest opposition from the Republican Party than any president since the creation of the nation. Amidst a flurry of criticism, it’s easy to miss what Obama has done as president and where he had failed.

The OBAMA Legacy is not a tabulation of praises for the Obama administration; it is a hard look at how he has led the country during his presidency.
The book dispels all myths about Obama. It discusses his presidency in a very unorthodox fashion, by relying exclusively on "verifiable facts".

The OBAMA Legacy Audiobook

Coming in mid-march is The OBAMA Legacy audiobook. Take a listen of the first 3-minutes for a preview; use the link provided for this exciting development

