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Paperback Details
  • 02/2024
  • 979-8989296507
  • 402 pages
  • $14.99
Kindle Edition Digital Ebook Purchas Details
  • B0CPGG44BR
  • pages
  • $4.99
Audio Details
  • 02/2024
  • 402 pages
  • $21.83
S.J. Lee
Of Friction (Altered Earth Book 1)
S.J. Lee, author

Decades of hostilities. A chance for peace. Caught between belligerent groups, will this operation be her last? Sam “Valkyrie” Ryan is reeling. Struggling with her brother’s recent decision to make their next assignment his last, the recon specialist fights to change his mind. But she has no time to process her emotions when they’re tasked to protect a pivotal reconciliation summit between the Altered and Humans from human-supremacist terrorists. Distracted by a charming female medic, the golden-haired marine struggles to stay focused as events quickly unravel. And with the conflict becoming dangerously unpredictable, secrets from the past catch Sam by surprise as she uncovers a plot to destroy all of humanity. Can she stop a violent and oppressive history from spiraling into a catastrophic future? Of Friction is the fast-paced first book in the Altered Earth dystopian military speculative fiction series. If you like strong women, tense action, and slow-burn LGBTQ+ relationships, then you’ll love S.J. Lee’s gripping story.

Plot/Idea: 9 out of 10
Originality: 8 out of 10
Prose: 8 out of 10
Character/Execution: 9 out of 10
Overall: 8.50 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Of Friction is a fast-paced military adventure set in a future where the impacts of climate change has split an adapted species of the human race apart, resulting in a tense political scenario that underpins the book’s plot. The character-focused story builds to a climax that will leave readers eager for more.

Prose: The writing is consistent and well paced, seamlessly pulling readers into the book's creative worldbuilding. Characterization is strong, rendered through vivid description and dialogue.

Originality: The scenario is creative and the characters are unique and dynamic. Lee successfully sets the stage for future installments.

Character/Execution: Of Friction renders a large and likable cast whose rapport and camaraderie really come off the page well, leading to a very fun read and setting up for a gratifying emotional punch in the entry’s final pages.

Date Submitted: April 01, 2024

Indies Today


Human greed ruined their chance to thrive on Earth, but human ingenuity created an opportunity for another kind of life on a dying planet. In the ongoing battle for dominance between Humans and the Altered, Sam Ryan’s loyalty extends only to her brother, Scott. Known to their fellow marines as Valkyrie and Mute, Sam and Scott are a formidable team serving in the United Military Federation. A UMF career offers a path to financial stability, a rarity at a time when violent extremist groups are growing their ranks. Suddenly, Scott wants out and Sam is not happy to lose her true north. She’s furious at his betrayal, confused by his choice, and frustrated that she didn’t even see it coming. Now it’s their last mission together and time is running out to patch up their relationship. The assignment seems easy enough, joining Razor team Echo for a little reconnaissance and ensuring no violence disrupts an important summit between the Altered and Humans. But trouble finds Echo since, “past or future—humans always [find] a way to violence.” An automatic defense mechanism she uses even in the face of death, Sam guards her vulnerability like a painful treasure, keeping that side of herself hidden from almost everyone. But with Miriam, the disarming team medic, Sam finds her resistance crumbling. If Sam can’t keep her head in this dangerous game, lives could be lost, and that’s a burden no marine wants to bear.

Military fiction might be the vehicle, but intricately drawn characters drive the story in S.J. Lee’s Of Friction. This first book in the Altered Earth series introduces readers to a determined protagonist who is tough on the outside, but adrift on the inside. Besides reluctantly addressing her acute inner conflict, Sam’s eyes are forced wide open to the lies and hypocrisies that have unwittingly shaped her course. Deceptive politics and dangerous operations afford Sam the raw perspective she’s been missing. Her character evolution is relatable as she works through realities, including the truth in her own heart. Lee’s novel paints a parabolic world that seems destined to repeat mankind’s mistakes. This dark dystopia allows for accusations, threats, hostilities, and military actions in nearly every chapter. With a keen narrative and a careful, underlying warmth, Of Friction is an intriguing novel that maintains precision and order amid sabotage and chaos.

Literary Titan


In Of Friction, the first installment of S. J. Lee’s Altered Earth Series, readers are introduced to protagonist Sam “Valkyrie” Ryan right from the outset. The narrative dives into her complex world as she grapples with her brother’s abrupt departure from the military, a budding romance with Miriam, the team’s medic, and startling revelations about her own past. These personal challenges are set against her mission to safeguard a crucial reconciliation summit between the Altered and humans, threatened by human-supremacist terrorists.

The book maintains a brisk pace, managing to be engaging without overwhelming the reader. Lee effectively portrays a vivid and believable world through Sam’s perspective, ensuring that each character stands out with distinct voices and personalities. This strong sense of place and character enriches the narrative, making the high-stakes environment palpable.

The prologue of Of Friction serves as a great preliminary brief that sets the stage with valuable background details that enrich the reader’s understanding of the world within the series. While stylistically distinct from the chapters that follow, this introduction ensures that the narrative is accessible from the very beginning, offering insights that complement the unfolding story without necessity, indicating the author’s thorough world-building.

The relationship between Sam and Miriam holds the potential for deeper exploration. I think by incorporating Miriam’s perspective earlier in the story, readers could gain a fuller understanding of her motivations and emotions. I think this addition would not only enrich the romantic subplot but also contribute to a more rounded and impactful climax, smoothly integrating the story’s emotional and narrative arcs.

Of Friction is a compelling opener for the Altered Earth Series, featuring a well-crafted setting and a dynamic cast. This dystopian military thriller lays a promising groundwork for the subsequent books, leaving readers eager to see how the complexities of the characters’ relationships and the overarching conflict will evolve.

Readers' Favorite


Of Friction is a work of fiction in the dystopian, conspiracy thriller, and suspense subgenres. The work is best suited to mature adult readers owing to the presence of explicit language throughout, as well as scenes of graphic violence, death, and mentions of substance abuse. Penned by author S.J. Lee, this bold and interesting work explores decades of hostilities and the chance for peace amidst belligerent groups. Sam ‘Valkyrie’ Ryan, a recon specialist, grapples with personal and professional challenges as she navigates a pivotal reconciliation summit between Altered and Human factions while combating human-supremacist terrorists.

Author S.J. Lee has crafted a superb work of dystopian thriller fiction that expertly weaves together all the precision and sharpness of great military fiction with compelling character dynamics and a tense, fast-paced plot. Sam is a complex and relatable protagonist, struggling with her emotions while fulfilling her duties in a volatile and dangerous world, and I enjoyed the way her speech and thoughts were portrayed to give us a deeply personal look at her journey. The tension escalates with a fantastically sharp pace to the plot, and although I could never quite predict the twists that were coming, there were plenty of clues laid to make each revelation feel realistic and really satisfying. The slow-burn LGBTQ+ romance was a pleasant addition that never felt gimmicky, but added a lot of nuance and originality to the narrative, enhancing the emotional stakes and character development all the more. Overall, Of Friction is a thrilling and thought-provoking read that leaves a lasting impression, and I would highly recommend it to dystopian fiction fans seeking a unique new read.

Self-Publishing Review

Breaking down outdated barriers in a genre-smashing debut, this first installment of the Altered Earth series is not one to miss. Sam is immediately likeable, her dynamic with other characters is believable, and the world-building is remarkably immersive in just a few chapters. The military detail—in terms of future tech, organization, mission structures and weaponry—will make this a hit with speculative military fiction fans, and Lee maintains a great balance between character development (read: slow-burn romance) and intense action sequences. As a premise, the dystopian "altered human vs. original recipe" dynamic feels original within the genre, and it leaves a huge amount of plot avenues to play with as the series progresses.

Paperback Details
  • 02/2024
  • 979-8989296507
  • 402 pages
  • $14.99
Kindle Edition Digital Ebook Purchas Details
  • B0CPGG44BR
  • pages
  • $4.99
Audio Details
  • 02/2024
  • 402 pages
  • $21.83
