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Hardcover Details
  • 09/2022
  • 9798218151782
  • 104 pages
  • $35
kara harris
Old Line Plate: Stories & Recipes from Maryland
This book collects over 40 Old Line Plate posts, with lavish illustrations and a bibliography of Maryland cookbooks.
Old Line Plate blog author Kara Mae Harris takes readers through Maryland’s fo

Kara Mae Harris became interested in Maryland’s cooking history after finding recipes for dishes like the Maryland White Potato Pie.

They were recipes she had never heard and so, naturally, her curiosity led her to try to replicate them.

These experiments in the kitchen were the beginnings of her blog, Old Line Plate, where she researches and shares historic Maryland foods, recipes, cookbooks, and stories of the people behind the culinary creations.

Since Harris started writing the blog in 2011, it has amassed a database of more than 50,000 recipes.

Now, Harris is out with a new book, “Old Line Plate: Stories & Recipes From Maryland,” featuring some of the foods cooked, eaten, and treasured by Marylanders throughout the state’s history. It is available to purchase at Atomic Books or through the Old Line Plate blog.


The book started as a personal project for Harris, but she later decided to publish it to share it with readers.

“I was inspired by the possibilities of digital printing,” she said. “I actually made the book for myself, as a memento of some of my favorite posts, like a photo album. But I figured I might as well see if anyone wanted one while I was at it.”

Hardcover Details
  • 09/2022
  • 9798218151782
  • 104 pages
  • $35
