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One Night Only

SKY BLACK has dedicated her life to making music. Through her difficult childhood and struggle with addiction, her band was the only thing that brought her joy. Just as her dream of playing to thousands of screaming fans might become a reality, she’s dealt some devastating news. Everyone in her life tells her she has to quit — her sister, who’s battling her own demons, and her mom, who shows up seeking forgiveness after abandoning the girls as children. But Sky’s come this far and she won’t give up now. The stage is the only place she’s truly alive, so she chases her dream until she doesn’t recognize it — or herself — anymore. When the fame machine is set in motion, there’s no turning back.

Kirkus Reviews

"Knudsen’s novel is tense and unrelenting; the author masterfully creates an immersive, claustrophobic atmosphere as Sky’s health, relationships, and sense of self become increasingly strained. Sky remains a likable, if flawed, protagonist throughout, and readers will find themselves rooting for her even as she makes questionable decisions."  - Kirkus Reviews

