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Paperback Book Details
  • 11/2017
  • 9781532035203
  • 116 pages
  • $13.99
One with Bird: And Other Stories
It is 1938 out on a farm three hundred miles west of Omaha as Ruby puts her love for her husband, Aksel, on the line to stand with their son, Carsten, who Aksel has rejected as a sissy. Then three barefoot urchins lulling away a 1950s summer day down by the railroad tracks get caught up with a sex predator in a most unusual and humorous way. Over ensuing years, Douglas German’s stories move from the town cop, Biggie Bud, who shares his wisdom with twelve-year-old Frank Viig who is devastated by the drunkenness of the wealthy father he adores to 2017 where Calhoun, a neo-Nazi, is holed up in the hills. Along the way, Maria, a peasant living in a mud hut high in the Colombian Andes Mountains humbles a lawyer from a blue-stocking firm in Omaha, and a young man ponders a poignant childhood memory of the day his father showed him how to respect Walkie Talkie, a survivor of the Bataan Death March. One with Bird shares seven unique stories that provide a glimpse into the humor, tragedies, and unique events that accompany living out on the Nebraska prairie.
Paperback Book Details
  • 11/2017
  • 9781532035203
  • 116 pages
  • $13.99
