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Jack Ori
Author, Service Provider
Open Secrets
Jack A. Ori, author

Adult; Mystery/Thriller; (Publish)

The university wants to silence them. The cops want to arrest their innocent boyfriend. Can a student podcaster get a murdered classmate justice?

Five years after an adrenalin-packed escape from a dangerous pedophile, CJ Jennings longs to use their college podcast to make a difference. But a terrified child's plea for help leads the freshman to a grisly discovery, thrusting CJ into a deadly maze of lies, manipulations, and institutional coverups.

The victim, a rockstar researcher with a brilliant future ahead of her, was entangled in secrets and scandals damning enough that more than one person wanted her dead.

As CJ peels back layer after layer of the truth, they find themselves up against a formidable enemy: an institution desperate to protect its reputation at all costs.

Despite the police wrongly targeting their innocent boyfriend and the administration playing dirty, CJ is relentless in their determination to expose what really happened. But as they inch closer, the killer gets increasingly desperate. Can CJ get justice before they—or anyone they care about—becomes the next target?

Plot/Idea: 9 out of 10
Originality: 10 out of 10
Prose: 9 out of 10
Character/Execution: 8 out of 10
Overall: 9.00 out of 10


Plot/Idea: It’s college freshman CJ Jennings versus their university as they investigate the cover up of a missing girl. The premise would be made more powerful by exploring additional plausible theories, but Ori does a capable job of revealing CJ’s backstory.

Prose: While dialogue-heavy, Ori’s writing is strong and impactful. Readers may benefit from being better oriented to the circumstances early in the novel.

Originality: A college freshman, podcaster, and trauma survivor crusading for vulnerable kids is a winning and modern combo.

Character/Execution: Ori’s characters are rich, though their personalities and characteristics are somewhat slow to develop. 

Date Submitted: April 18, 2024

