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Paperback Book Details
  • 06/2021
  • 9781777310820
  • 170 pages
  • $10.00
Dave Kwan
Dave Kwan, author

Tommy completes Martial Arts training with his Grandfather, Carl Long Grass, and becomes a Ninjan Master. Since graduating from high school, Tommy has worked at the auto shop, while dating his girlfriend Sarah, who he met at Gold Eagle Martial Arts. Now, as a 21 year old, Tommy looks to the future and considers his options. He can stay at the garage as an auto mechanic, apply to college for construction technology, or join the Military. After careful deliberation, Tommy enlists in the United States Army and goes to Boot Camp. Tommy's skills and ability shine through and Military Superiors tap him for Special Reconnaissance (SR). Eight years later after outstanding Military Service, Tommy receives a Honourable Discharge. Tommy returns to Venture, marries his sweetheart Sarah, and the newly weds move into a modest new house. Before long, a big black SUV rolls onto their property, and three men wearing sunglasses and black suits approach Tommy. The men work for a Secret Government Agency and want Tommy's specialized skills and expertise. The Assignment - find an elusive Drug Cartel operating in the Amazon Rainforest that's making a deadly new drug aimed at the American public. Find the Drug Cartel and the Agency will do the rest. Tommy agrees only on one condition - that the Recon Team include Ninjans. The Agents step aside for a brief huddle, then give their decision - Affirmative! Ninjans are on the Recon Team. Tommy calls the Mission - OPERATION TOMAHAWK!

Paperback Book Details
  • 06/2021
  • 9781777310820
  • 170 pages
  • $10.00
