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Ebook Details
  • 12/2017
  • 978-0-9853599-5-9 B07889HPTM
  • 441 pages
  • $4.99
Paperback Details
  • 12/2017
  • 978-1980362869
  • 439 pages
  • $18.95
Michael D. Urban
Osama's Skull

Adult; Mystery/Thriller; (Market)

Osama bin Laden didn’t die in Abbottabad. He wasn’t buried at sea. Kidnapped, hidden at a CIA black site in Poland, he perished in custody. Then certain powerful individuals wanted a souvenir—his skull. But the CIA has other plans. It recruits Navy SEAL Ingvar Rogers to steal the skull and act as live bait to destroy ISIS and al-Qaeda cells embedded in the U.S. When things go south, Rogers turns to Zach Colt for money, guns, and backup. Together, they must outrun and outwit rogue CIA agents, murderous terrorists, including a daughter of ISIS, as well as the most powerful and secret group of all . . .
Readers' Favorite

Reviewed by K.C. Finn for Readers' Favorite

Osama’s Skull: A Zach Colt Adventure is an adventurous thriller novel by author Michael D. Urban, and the third novel in The Zach Colt Adventures. Federal Prosecutor Zach Colt has already travelled the world searching for the lost treasures of some of the most violent and terrifying figures in history, but this third installment of adventures takes us right up to date with perhaps the most terrifying threat yet: modern-day terrorism. In an alternate history that runs comfortably alongside today’s situation, the skull of Osama Bin Laden is a prized possession sought by many. When Zach Colt is embroiled in the hunt for the skull, ISIS rears its deceptively persuasive head, and even the far-reaching branches of the rogue CIA get in the way of success and survival.

Thrillers with action, adventure and political bents are not usually my reading matter, but I was delighted with the quality, suspense and realism of Michael D. Urban’s work. His writing is the tight, concise, no-nonsense styling of thriller fiction that you would expect, favoring plot over character, so fans of the tradition are certain to be enthralled from page one. For me, I found the true gem in Osama’s Skull to be the slightly reimagined speculative aspect, and the political reflection that Urban’s work gives to modern-day attitudes on terror, even compared to Bin Laden’s time. The world we live in today is truly dangerous, and it’s that core message which resonates powerfully through Urban’s twisting, exciting plot, making Osama’s Skull a thought-provoking and enjoyable read.

Ebook Details
  • 12/2017
  • 978-0-9853599-5-9 B07889HPTM
  • 441 pages
  • $4.99
Paperback Details
  • 12/2017
  • 978-1980362869
  • 439 pages
  • $18.95
