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Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • 11/2013
  • B00H26753U
  • 403 pages
  • $4.95
Michelle Argyle
Author, Illustrator, Service Provider
Out of Tune

Adult; Romance; (Market)

Twenty-year-old Maggie Roads’ parents are legendary in the country music world. She wants nothing more than to follow in their footsteps, but the limelight isn’t reserved for singers who can’t carry a tune, let alone keep a rhythm. When her parents tell her they’re getting divorced, Maggie decides it’s time to leave home and take her future into her own hands. Moving in with Cole, her best friend and sometimes boyfriend, might not be the best of ideas, but she’s got to start somewhere. Their off-and-on romance gets even more complicated when Maggie crushes on her new voice teacher, Nathan, who unlocks her stunning potential. A sensational music career of her own is finally within reach, but Maggie might need more than perfect pitch to find what she’s really looking for.

Oh man Out Of Tune had me on the edge of my seat. Michelle never ceases to amaze me when it comes to her writing because she always takes me on this journey that I love so much I don't want it to end. Reading this book had me there and then some.

Maggie Roads is a talented song writer and the daughter of legendary country singers. She would love to sing but she can't hold a note and is tone deaf to boot so she does what comes next and that is write songs. But her hearts desire is to be a singer and she knows what she has to do to get there but is not sure if she can actual do it. But then she gets some disturbing news about her parents and she knows it is time to move on and put on her big panties and do what she has to do to reach her dream.

She leaves her parents home to move in with her best friend and sometimes boyfriend Cole. it isn't the best situation but it is something for her to start with. So she moves in and hires a voice coach so she can fulfill her life long dreams of becoming a singer. As she spend more and more time with her voice coach Nathan she is so crushing on him and it seems that Nathan may have some feelings for Maggie as well.

But what will Maggie do because she has Cole but she wants Nathan and then her parents going through their stuff and last but not least she wants to sing. She wants to sing her heart out so bad that she willing to do whatever it takes to make that dream come true.

Will she stay out of tune or will she tune in!

Kindle Edition eBooks Details
  • 11/2013
  • B00H26753U
  • 403 pages
  • $4.95
