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Paperback Book Details
  • 03/2023
  • 9798386710545
  • 42 pages
  • $10.95
Owl Feather-Snail and the Light of the Moon
This wonderful poetic short story is set upon the treetops where you will find a kind and quite Owl dreaming of flight. His eyes saddened by a weight he cannot bear, as his wings remain (metaphorically) tethered to his back, for fear he cannot fly. Only with the help of many strange encounters does he realize the strength within himself. Feather-snail becomes a poignant character who revives Owl’s self-confidence, while provoking self-reflection. As Owl begins to meet various different characters, his soul-searching widens and he is able to view himself differently while each character offers up a platter of compliments, helping him to see himself as they do. Not only does the unique nature of the writing within this short story grab the attention of the reader but the words also offers hope and inspiration inspire one to live up to their dreams.
Paperback Book Details
  • 03/2023
  • 9798386710545
  • 42 pages
  • $10.95
