Pain and Suffering in Buddhism
Edward Horner, author
Each and every one of us shares the combined experiences of pain and suffering. It is unavoidable. The pain comes from the simple fact that we are human and that our physiology and psychic makeup allow it to arise. Suffering is a different matter. It will arise when our ego isn’t being stoked. It will arise when we experience loss. It will be experienced when our expectation is not met. Whenever anything happens to us that our ego isn’t ready for, or desirous of, we will suffer.
In Pain and Suffering, we explore the relationship between these two afflictions as we look deeply into how our ego drives us ever towards disappointment and regret. However, we don’t leave the reader with just an understanding of how we suffer and why we have pain. We take a serious look at how, with diligence and patience, we can apply a specific program to escape or at the very least, lessen our suffering.