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Pancakes & Handguns
Professional smart ass and IT Administrator, Lena Kozek, has just caught her sleazy boss in a sleazy act, and it’s finally pushed her to enact her very illegal but enormously satisfying digital revenge. Clever smart ass that she is, she doesn’t realize she’s being spied on. FBI agent, Thomas Palmer (distractingly sexy in a Christian-Bale-as-Batman way) confronts Lena with the evidence of her felony. But he offers her a choice. Go back home and infiltrate her hometown’s crime family or go to jail. The problem? She’s wiped all knowledge of her childhood from her memory, especially any knowledge of a crime family. Given a night to consider the two crappy options, she gets various opinions. The strongest is from her dead, disapproving father who shows up in all his skeletal glory. He was a hitman for the crime family and knows them well. His advice? “Choose jail.” Despite the off-putting vision of his corpse, she chooses home, and so unfolds a complex zharkoye* of confrontations that include old family secrets, new found-family relationships, and one awkward-but-sweet hook-up with dorky, jaded cop, Quinn Magee. The whole mess boils over when the crime family boss ends up dead. Identified by a witness, Lena will be shoved into the harsh spotlight of Quinn, her dorky hook-up who’s investigating the murder. Culminating at a Ukrainian picnic, she’ll be faced with a serious decision. Will she choose her blood family over a crime family, or just go back for seconds of varenyky?
