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Open Ebook Ebook Details
  • 12/2020
  • 9781644562284 B08P652ZP5
  • 399 pages
  • $4.99
Hardcover Book Details
  • 12/2020
  • 9781644562253
  • 442 pages
  • $30.95
Paperback Book Details
  • 12/2020
  • 9781644562260
  • 422 pages
  • $18.75
H. Max Hiller
Parish the Thought
Detective Holland is assigned to investigate a presumed murder, the obvious crime scene lacks a victim, that takes an unexpected turn when the prime suspect turns up dead. The case becomes increasingly difficult as the new suspect may be a serial killer with an agenda of their own. It is up to Detective Holland to determine who is behind the disappearance of the woman he came to find, and a string of targeted homicides that may include the woman he seeks. Most worrisome is that the detective himself may have been placed in the sights of the innovative and determined killer. The answer to the crime, and who is behind it, lies in the dark secrets of a small town in the clutches of a political dynasty with ties to the detective's own family.
Me and My Books by Yvonne Ellis

Oh what an absolute pleasure it is to catch up with Cadillac Holland as he is asked to investigate a missing person. This case is outside his jurisdiction as such but it is by special request that he has been asked to run the case!

Having read and thoroughly enjoyed the previous books in this series I was looking forward to seeing what the author had in store for his main protagonist. The case takes Holland to the Bayou, a close-knit community where generations of families have lived. Some families have the luxury of wealth, power and status. Others are not as fortunate! The family name is everything as is the businesses they run and the seats of power they inhabit. Alliances and allegiances are very evident throughout the story.

Now, the story. From previous experience, I do know that this author does like to take a twisted and often devious route to get from the initial question to the final answer. This is certainly the case for this book. What starts as a missing person case morphs into something much deeper and darker. Illegal activities are gradually brought to light and this keeps the goalposts moving as such. One question may be asked and answered leading to more questions appearing. Knowing what to ask, when to ask and who to ask is definitely the key.

Holland is a character who I really like, he has a past that is interesting and gives him some special skills that are needed if he wants t get to the bottom of this case. He does have back up in the form of family and very good friends, one of which is a dog. Then there is the food, the author has an interest in the food trade and this makes for some wonderful sounding dishes.

This is a story that is mystery and intrigue from start to finish. While there are bodies there is not so much blood and guts. It is a mystery first and then merges into something else. The author has chosen a specific route for the story to travel down and it highlights a very important subject. I think the author has definitely tackled this sympathetically and not gone into too much detail, but given enough for the reader to get it. There is an interesting section at the end of the books that discusses the issues and also further reading. I know this sounds vague, but it is part of the story and therefore I am not going to give away any spoilers.

The author has done another excellent job in creating a fabulous mystery story that I absolutely adored. I think this may just be my favourite one… so far. This is the 5th book in the series and yes it would work as a standalone, but I do think that reading in order is much better, as it is with many books in a series. It is one I would definitely recommend.

Open Ebook Ebook Details
  • 12/2020
  • 9781644562284 B08P652ZP5
  • 399 pages
  • $4.99
Hardcover Book Details
  • 12/2020
  • 9781644562253
  • 442 pages
  • $30.95
Paperback Book Details
  • 12/2020
  • 9781644562260
  • 422 pages
  • $18.75
