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Felice Cohen
Peter Pan Zee: The Fancy Tales Series
Felice Cohen, author
Peter Pan Zee is the story of the great great great great grandson of a great indian chief who runs the School for Lost Boys who lost the love of their families because they're gay. Peter helps the boys channel their grief through rowing, but they're plagued by a rival team called the Pirates, led by a one-handed captain. But the boys aren't getting enough sleep as they live in Never Sleep Land. When Peter overhears Gwen, a teenage girl reading a book and it makes him drowsy, he recruites her to come down and read to the Lost Boys. But a certain captain foils their plan. The Fancy Tales are modern New York City versions of the classic fairy tales we all grew up with, yet they contain a wholesomely presented and slightly sophisticated gay twist. They are for kids, teens and adults (gay or straight!) to enjoy.
