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Paperback Details
  • 01/2023
  • 9798985147049 B0BJQQYN93
  • 114 pages
  • $19.95
Ebook Details
  • 01/2023
  • 9798985147056 B0BJYDJH6X
  • 101 pages
  • $9.99
Hardcover Details
  • 01/2023
  • 9798985147032 B0BJQQPQ7X
  • 114 pages
  • $39.95
Wolfgang Smith
Physics: A Science in Quest of an Ontology

Adult; Science, Nature, Technology; (Market)

To the extent that modern physics possesses an ontology at all, it has tended to be the Cartesian doctrine of “bifurcation.” Not only, however, does this thesis prove to be untenable, but since the advent of quantum theory it has rendered physics de facto incomprehensible. This book introduces an astoundingly uncomplicated and inherently Platonist ontology in which the quantum theoretic stratum assumes its rightful place within the hierarchy of being.
Smith continues to pursue the trail he blazed with The Quantum Enigma with this compact fourth book dedicated to untangling the ontological conundrums at the heart of physics. Here, in three enlightening chapters, he examines what he posits may be “the key to an ontological comprehension of physics”: the irreducible wholeness of a “corporeal entity,” meaning it’s “not subject to the bounds of space and time”—and not reducible to the sum of its “atomistic” parts. Smith argues that irreducible wholeness, or IW, offers a glimpse of “a previously unsurmised ontological unity and order,” represents a solution to the famous “measurement problem” that has fascinated/frustrated physicists since Schrödinger and Heisenberg. Smith’s contention also stands as a challenge to much contemporary physics theorizing, such as superdeterminism and “widespread and supposedly well-informed opinion”s about quantum theory.

The measurement problem, of course, centers on the mystery of the collapse of a wave function at the moment of measurement. In previous books, Smith has made the case that this transition from corporeal to physical “cannot be accomplished by means of the causality upon which physics as such is based.” Here, he goes further, arguing that understanding the transition means stepping outside of physics altogether. “I incline to believe that the worst metaphysics is generally to be found among those who claim not to have any at all,” Smith writes, with customary wit, in a preface.

That exemplifies the text that follows, a crisp, coherent, unabashedly opinionated presentation that will be clear and engaging to readers who need not be subject experts to follow along—though some background in physics will certainly aid in evaluation of Smith’s contentions, which suggest, at times, a return of Platonism. Smith is a deft stylist, offering brisk, memorable thumbnail rundowns of physics, ontology, and the histories of science, mathematics, and more. The crucial distinctions he draws between the physical and corporeal, or horizontal and vertical causality, come through with sharp clarity. Three included articles digging deeper into aspects of IW illuminate the main text.

Takeaway: A sharply penned argument that solving physics’ great puzzle demands stepping outside of physics.

Great for fans of: Jean Borella and Wolfgang Smith’s Rediscovering the Integral Cosmos, Sabine Hossenfelder’s Existential Physics.

Production grades
Cover: B
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Innovation & Tech Today

Review by Betsy Chasse & John Trevor Berger

A distinguished mathematician, physicist, and philosopher—who finds himself irreconcilably at odds with the prevailing Zeitgeist—Dr. Wolfgang Smith’s passion to expose the errors of scientism for the betterment of science (and humankind) is accomplished eloquently in his latest book.Physics: A Science in Quest of an Ontology builds upon his earlier works Cosmos and Transcendence, The Quantum Enigma, and The Vertical Ascent. Over the course of these publications he discerned the error of the physicist’s basic philosophical presuppositions; posited the necessary distinction between the physical universe (the world “as conceived by the physicist”) and the corporeal world (the world as it manifests itself to sensory perception); and discovered the phenomenon of vertical causality—an ontological mode of causation which acts instantaneously, as distinct from the temporal causation known to physics—which makes possible the transition from the physical to the corporeal in the act of quantum measurement.CLICK LINK TO READ FULL REVIEW

Paperback Details
  • 01/2023
  • 9798985147049 B0BJQQYN93
  • 114 pages
  • $19.95
Ebook Details
  • 01/2023
  • 9798985147056 B0BJYDJH6X
  • 101 pages
  • $9.99
Hardcover Details
  • 01/2023
  • 9798985147032 B0BJQQPQ7X
  • 114 pages
  • $39.95
