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Josie Riviera
Pink Coral Island
They say love lost is love forgotten. But some love endures. After a decade apart, two hearts reunite to face their shared past and embark on a journey to rediscover the real meaning of love. On the picturesque paradise of Pink Coral Island, childhood sweethearts Jenny Ormani and Christopher Drake find their love rekindled, but their path is not without its share of challenges. As they strive to restore and reopen a hotel that holds their dreams, they must confront the malevolence of vandalism and the threat of fires. Complicating matters further, Christopher’s 7-year-old son adds a delightful yet unpredictable element to their path. On their path of rediscovery, Jenny and Christopher confront the ultimate challenge: to defeat their own self-imposed limits, accept their true selves, and create an unbreakable bond that surpasses any other challenge. Entwined with Gullah superstitions and traditions, Pink Coral Island is a sweet beach romance.
