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Teddi Ahrens
Pintando Alegria: El Arte y La Vida de Fernando Llort/ ISBN 979-8-9852859-1-8
Teddi Ahrens, author
Pintando Alegria is the Spanish translation of Painting Joy, the story of Salvadoran artist Fernando Llort, who loved painting, but most of all, wanted to do something meaningful with his life. To stand for social justice and peace. He studied for the priesthood, and performed in a rock band, but never stopped painting. When he settled in the village of La Palma to paint, the people asked him to teach them so they might make a better living, he found his purpose. He re-imagined the ancient symbols and images destroyed by invaders, and the villagers learned how to portray themselves and their culture in colorful, creative ways. In doing so, he transformed the village into an artisan community, and the entire country reconnected with their ancient past. Fernando Llort is beloved in El Salvador, and his art is admired around the world.
