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Hardcover Book Details
  • 06/2021
  • 9781953307606
  • 150 pages
  • $19.99
Paperback Book Details
  • 06/2021
  • 9781953307590
  • 150 pages
  • $16.99
Plantation Theory: The Black Professional's Struggle Between Freedom and Security
John Graham, author

From cover to cover, Black professionals are faced with an urgent question—why work twice as hard for half the recognition and a third of the pay? 

Written to speak for those who've been without a voice throughout their professional career, Plantation Theory: The Black Professional’s Struggle Between Freedom & Security showcases the realities that countless Black corporate professionals face despite best efforts to prove their worthiness of opportunity. It challenges the status quo and urges future generations of Black excellence to recognize how much power they wield and evaluate closely the benefits and the detractors of choosing to work in Corporate America. 

Filled with transparent and often shocking firsthand accounts, Plantation Theory also serves as a veil remover for those in positions of privilege and power as they embark on a journey of abolition rather than allyship. For individuals and corporations, it demands a commitment to end participation in the behaviors perpetuating inequitable environments. Graham pointedly places the accountability squarely on the shoulders of those most responsible and asks will marketing to Black and diverse talent match the reality of the daily lived experience they will soon call reality as employees? Or will these entities engage in adequate self-examination, heartfelt contemplation, and reflective discussions to do the hard work of no longer being a sideline participant in the marathon of inequity. 

For Black professionals, the vision for the future will require a confrontation with the notion of freedom versus security. For companies and individuals in privileged positions of power, performative measures and diversity theater are no longer enough. Graham's Plantation Theory reminds us that historical approaches are no longer viable pathways to what must become. It's no longer a matter of capability, but of willingness and there is much work to be done for the willing. 

Hardcover Book Details
  • 06/2021
  • 9781953307606
  • 150 pages
  • $19.99
Paperback Book Details
  • 06/2021
  • 9781953307590
  • 150 pages
  • $16.99
