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Play Something Pretty That You Like to Play
Equality. Equal access. These are fundamental American principles. Yet today, tens of millions of Americans do not have equal access to music – the developmental and therapeutic benefits of music. Young people. Old people. People near you. People close to you. Why must our loved ones in assisted living, nursing, and rehab communities rely on volunteer music –– a supply model that has failed them for decades? Why is it so painfully quiet in the communities where our parents and grandparents are supposed to enjoy their final years? And why must our young people rely on politicians to supply musical opportunities? Where are the musicians?? ** Greg Morgoglione shares his compelling story of bringing music to Access Limited audiences for 25 years in towns like yours; of an urgent, enormous, and lucrative professional opportunity for musicians to bring their music to a demographic some 100-million strong. No one should be sentenced to life without music. America’s musicians, we need you!
Welcome, Play Something Pretty That You Like to Play!

I'm thrilled to have Advance Review Copies (ARCs) of my new memoir in hand! I've begun sending ARCs out in hopes of getting comments, blurbs, and reviews to post on the website prior to the book's release in March of 2024. I'm truly looking forward to getting some editorial and reader feedback.

