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Michael Biddison
Plumb Out of Time

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Create)

Night-time meandering along the Colorado River on a motorcycle has unexpected consequences, as Nat discovers when a bizarre accident forces him off the road and into unfamiliar territory. His confusion grows upon meeting up with a local Mojave hunting party, who look as though they belong in another century. They view him much the same way, but choose to keep him close, rather than kill him. He is resigned to stay with the Mojave while he ponders his fate, but is soon distracted after glimpsing two young sisters, who may be white captives. One of the girls, chin covered with  tattoos, knows he resembles the U.S. Army soldiers who will arrive soon. She seeks him out, begging him not to expose her and her sister to the soldiers, who she believes would do them harm.

