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Paperback Book Details
  • 11/2022
  • 127 pages
  • $9.99
Michael Patton
Poems of My Life
I have always considered poetry to be deeply personal. My poems were to express what I often could not do when talking, often too caught up in the moment's emotions to find the words. Having written most of mine for either myself or someone close to me, I never really considered sharing my poems with the world at large. Poetry happened later as I contemplated how deeply I was touched by what had happened when I had time to consider long enough to find the right words. Or perhaps when it was safe enough for me to pick through the flood of things that had swept away my ability to express myself. For me, a good poem creates a burst of images on the canvas of my mind when they touch me. So I release these "poems" into your world, hoping they may connect with you. I have grouped them into four categories: Love, Lyrical, Loss, and Miscellaneous. These are not hard and fast, but merely an attempt to organize. The collection's title is because I wrote them between the ages of thirteen and my sixties. Some do a pretty good job of capturing what I was trying to say. Others were tweaked right up until I had to send them off to publish. I may yet be fiddling with them, for they have a life of their own. I hope that you find some you enjoy.
Paperback Book Details
  • 11/2022
  • 127 pages
  • $9.99
