With bold and courageous arrows of love and truth, Polka-Dot Bath shoots straight and aims skillfully for the heart!
A 28-year veteran & award-winning RN tells the real issues, the facts, the never-before-told-happens-every-day-everywhere issues in nursing homes... their very secrecy maintained by the most often unspoken, always understood, highly effective oath of silence… those secrets are finally revealed. The closet is opened. The thick dust is clearing; for those who want to see.
Polka-Dot Bath tells you some of the most common, though horrific, issues in long term care, aka nursing homes. It then takes you inside and lets you see for yourself… lets' you feel the... reality. Via authentic stories of real and unforgettable ‘human beings’ and their real-life circumstances with real-life outcomes, real-life consequences.
“If only I’d known ‘then’ what I know now…”
You have the rare opportunity of knowing ‘then’... today’s ‘now’ is tomorrow’s ‘then’.