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Alexandra Steed
Author, Illustrator
Portrait to Landscape: A Landscape Strategy to Reframe Our Future

"Portrait to Landscape: A Landscape Strategy to Reframe Our Future" is a groundbreaking work authored by a renowned landscape architect. It challenges us to fundamentally alter our relationship with the natural world, presenting a holistic approach to healing the earth by addressing both symptoms and underlying causes of environmental degradation. Using the metaphor of a narrow self-focused portrait versus a wide-angle landscape view, the book sheds light on the profound impact of our limited perspective. It offers practical strategies for policymakers, activists, and individuals to protect and restore landscapes, emphasizing collaboration and long-term stewardship. This thought-provoking book inspires readers to reevaluate their connection with nature and engage in the movement toward a more sustainable future, making it a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of our place in the world and how we can inhabit it with integrity.

