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Ebook Details
  • 11/2023
  • 9798891092112 B0CKPYZ92T
  • 282 pages
  • $4.99
Hardcover Book Details
  • 10/2023
  • 9798891092402 B0CKXPP2D6
  • 282 pages
  • $31.43
Paperback Book Details
  • 10/2023
  • 9798891092105 B0CKNY2VG2
  • 282 pages
  • $19.99
Tracy A. Ripley
Prayerful Warrior Mom: Embracing Faith Through the Storms of Your Child's Congenital Heart Journey

Adult; Spirituality/Inspirational; (Market)

"Prayerful Warrior Mom: Embracing Faith through the Storms of Your Child's Congenital Heart Journey" by Tracy A. Ripley is a deeply moving and practical guide for mothers facing the heart-wrenching reality of a child's congenital heart defect. Tracy Ripley, drawing from her own profound experiences, interlaces a narrative that combines personal storytelling with spiritual guidance, aiming to provide solace and strength to mothers facing similar challenges.

Ripley's journey through her child's diagnosis and treatment is filled with emotional highs and lows, and she shares these moments with raw honesty and vulnerability. Her story is one of unwavering faith, demonstrating how a strong spiritual foundation can provide the courage and resilience needed to face such overwhelming trials. She emphasizes the power of prayer, illustrating how it can serve as a source of comfort, guidance, and strength in the darkest of times.

The book also delves into practical aspects, offering advice on navigating the medical landscape, building a supportive community, and caring for oneself while caring for a child with special needs. Ripley addresses the emotional and psychological toll on families, providing strategies for managing stress, maintaining hope, and fostering a positive outlook despite the uncertainties.

Throughout "Prayerful Warrior Mom," Ripley weaves in biblical references and spiritual reflections, encouraging readers to lean on their faith as a source of empowerment. Her message is one of hope, resilience, and the transformative power of faith in the face of life's most challenging storms. This book is a beacon of light for any parent walking the difficult path of a child's congenital heart journey, offering both practical support and spiritual nourishment.

Readers' Favorite

After having her daughter, Tracy thought her second pregnancy would be easier, but God had other plans for her and her family. The first sign that things would be different was the abnormal results of her first-trimester screening. Luckily, they were ruled out as possible false readings. Tracy did her best to balance her pregnancy and work until the birth of her son, Bryce. Unfortunately, her son was born with a congenital heart condition that would change her family’s life forever. The author felt guilty, but over time, God healed her soul and helped her discover His purpose for her life. In Prayerful Warrior Mom, Tracy A. Ripley narrates how her family's turbulent journey made them stronger mentally and spiritually. She shares the lessons that helped her cope with her son's illness in her career, social and family life, and relationship with God.

Prayerful Warrior Mom made me wonder how many tragedies a person can take before they break, and how believing in God's word and continuously seeking Him in prayer can give the peace that surpasses human understanding. Tracy A. Ripley uses a calm and engaging tone, which showcases her spiritual maturity and peace with the tragedies that befell her family. Whenever she was on the verge of breaking, God gave her a verse, a song, or a revelation that helped her through. The book has beautiful designs that make it appealing to read and profound lessons that can be applied in different areas of your life. I loved reading this book and I think both believers and non-believers can read it and appreciate its message. We all go through trying moments, and a story like this can give us encouraging lessons. Get a copy of this book to read this inspiring story of a prayerful mother, a brave son, a supportive family, and the amazing power of God in their lives.

The Book Commentary

Tracy Ripley's life is rolling perfectly well and she has found the perfect balance between work and family. Everything changes when her much-expected baby, Bryce, is born with aortic stenosis, a congenital heart disease. Her life is thrown into turmoil, but she refuses to give in to despair. Instead, she changes her plans, establishes a new balance, learns to let go, and develops a more intimate relationship with God. This book brilliantly chronicles her journey through this difficult moment to find surprising answers in God through prayer. In this book, readers will learn to focus on what truly matters, find the courage to seek help, understand the power they have to turn their troubles to God, and a lot, a lot more. 

Prayerful Warrior Mom by Tracy Ripley is a captivating and inspiring book that examines the journey of faith, resilience, and self-discovery. Through her heartfelt narration, Ripley takes readers along on her son's battle with congenital heart disease and her own personal growth as a Prayerful Warrior Mom. The writing in this book is confident and engaging, with Ripley's words reaching straight into the hearts of readers. Her ability to communicate her experiences and emotions in a relatable and authentic way is commendable. The book is filled with personal anecdotes, prayers, inspiring passages from scripture, and lessons learned, making it both a powerful and practical guide for navigating through life's challenges and growing in faith. Ripley beautifully portrays the power of turning to God in times of difficulty and finding solace and comfort in prayer.


The author demonstrates how faith can give us the strength to overcome adversity and set healthy boundaries, empowering readers to embrace their own spiritual journey. Moreover, the book emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and letting go of guilt. Ripley encourages readers to release the shackles of guilt and embrace the liberating power of forgiveness, both for oneself and for others. Through her personal experiences, she illustrates how forgiveness can transform lives and pave the way for healing and growth. This author writes in a way that is fluid and captivating, examining the power of support groups, exploring the healing energy borne by family bonds — and readers will enjoy reading about her relationship with Rob — and providing a message of hope for those going through a difficult time. This is an inspiring book with tools to help readers beat the odds and grow through their faith in God. This book resonated so powerfully with me because I have been in some of the places the author writes about — despair, stress, unexpected outcomes for strongly anticipated events, and more. This book is, indeed, a gift of faith to be shared. 

The US Review of Books

Using her faith as fuel, the author lays bare her soul in this raw and incredibly vulnerable chronicle of hope and fear. Rooted in scripture, the work and the themes presented within it are universal, depicting the human struggle to balance all aspects of their lives without losing themselves. For Ripley, a blessing in the form of baby Bryce is rife with obstacles, such as her child’s congenital heart disease (CHD), spearheaded by a faulty heart valve. The author’s unyielding tenacity, come what may, to ensure that Bryce is able to lead a quality life is something to truly marvel at.

Ripley’s blended family consists of her husband, Rob, two step-kids she adores, and her biological daughter, Reyna. The seamless environment allows the author to maintain a work-life balance and challenge herself at the apex of both motherhood and career. However, when Bryce is diagnosed with severe aortic stenosis a mere fourteen hours after birth and must be taken away for an emergency procedure, the reality of how grueling the process will be dawns on her. From her own testimony and resilience, audiences will discover their own inner spirit and mettle, a roadmap of sorts when battling similar adverse circumstances.

Though the main focus of Ripley’s work is to share Bryce’s journey to health, it also provides great detail and context into her overall life, pulling back the curtain, so to speak, for audiences to get a comprehensive snapshot. For instance, Ripley takes readers back to her own upbringing and how her parents were to add an extra layer of understanding of how she came to be who she is. In these segments of the piece, readers can easily relate to the hurdles women face in their careers, often feeling conflicted about the perception of their dedication and commitment to the company once they are mothers. For Ripley, commitment is central to her character, as even in the moments leading up to going into labor, she is training her backup to deliver a presentation for her job.

While the problems of the material world are undoubtedly well captured, it is the authenticity with which Ripley communicates her relationship with God that readers will find endearing. Rather than preach through scriptures, she shows how those scriptures have come to life for her, giving her a platform through which she can process and even see the silver lining in traumatic events, such as seeing her baby in the NICU just after birth, feeling disconnected from her child, or watching her now toddler continue to endure one heart surgery after another. Nonetheless, through it all, her trust in God remains unconditional, never wavering, and always enabling her to stay steadfast in prayer.

From a stylistic perspective, the story flows smoothly, creating an enjoyable reader experience while still delving into critical themes like work-life balance, ensuring the right medical fit when entrusting practitioners with your life or the life of a loved one, and the role of mothers in the workforce as compared to fathers. Above all else, audiences get to see how prayer directly impacts and enhances one’s quality of life and provides the tools for individuals to find love in all areas, such as in the Lord, in themselves, and in all those that make up their inner circle. To this end, Ripley’s work combines the resources of prayer—with her “7 Day Prayer Guide”—and CHD resources so families going through the same thing can have the tools to tackle life’s challenges head-on and become prayerful warriors themselves.

RECOMMENDED by the US Review

2024 Eric Hoffer Award Grand Prize Short List

Tracy A. Ripley's debut book, “Prayerful Warrior Mom” has been selected as a Grand Prize Finalist in the esteemed Eric Hoffer International Book Contest.

Out of roughly 3000 entrants, only 6% made it to the shortlist. Tracy Ripley's self-published spiritual memoir was among the list of  grand prize finalists selected for this prestigious honor. 

The Eric Hoffer Book Award celebrates outstanding writing and the independent spirit of small publishers, echoing the legacy of the great American philosopher Eric Hoffer.

2024 Eric Hoffer Book Award Winners

Prayerful Warrior Mom: Embracing Faith Through the Storms of Your Child's Congenital Heart Journey, Tracy A. Ripley - The excitement and anticipation of expecting a child is quickly overshadowed by abnormal test results. Relief is found when further testing reveals no abnormalities but all of that changes soon after the birth. Ripley chronicles the challenges of raising a child with a congenital heart defect. From the moment she receives the devastating news, the author embarks on a journey of faith, hope and strength, while navigating her child's life changing diagnosis, including an emotional rollercoaster of surgeries and medical procedures. The power of prayer and faith in sustained them through the darkest moments. This book is a testament to the resilience of a mother's love and the belief in the healing power of prayer.

 See a full review in the US Review of Books

2024 Los Angeles Times Festival of Books (LATFOB)

“Prayerful Warrior Mom: Embracing Faith through the Storms of Your Child’s Congenital Heart Journey” by Tracy A. Ripley was among the books displayed by Author Reputation Press during the 2024 Los Angeles Times Festival of Books (LATFOB) at the University of Southern California on April 20–21, 2024.

The LATFOB is considered to be one of the world’s most significant literary gatherings. It has been held every year since 1996 with the goal of bringing together the people who create books and the people who love to read them. It is attended by more than 550 authors, celebrities, storytellers, and hundreds of exhibitors.

“Prayerful Warrior Mom” book trailer

Exciting News Alert! Don't miss the premiere of Tracy Ripley's book trailer at the LA Times Festival of Books on April 20-21!

This event brings together authors and enthusiasts alike and I am thrilled to share the book trailer for "Prayerful Warrior Mom" that will be showcased at Booth #228 April 20-21, 2024.

CBS Radio Host Benji Cole Interview with Author Tracy A. Ripley

Tracy A. Ripley, author of “Prayerful Warrior Mom: Embracing Faith through the Storms of Your Child's Congenital Heart Journey,” was interviewed by Benji Cole host of People of Distinction from CBS Radio. In this inspiring story of faith and resilience, Tracy Ripley takes you through her son's battle with congenital heart disease and her journey of faith, hope, and resilience.

Ingram Spark Announces Mother's Day Indie Faves

🌺Exciting news! IngramSpark has curated a collection of fantastic #MothersDay titles from our talented indie authors and publishers! 🎉

📖 Join us in celebrating the exceptional works of authors like @prayerful_warriors, @michellecoxwrites, @shawntirefugejournals , @ronitplank, and @marciboldenauthor, who have poured their hearts and souls into crafting these beautiful stories.

Interview with the Author of Prayerful Warrior Mom -- Tracy Ripley

Tracy Ripley is a resilient figure, known not only as a dedicated wife, mother, and stepmother but also as a beacon of faith and strength amidst adversity. Her journey took an unexpected turn when her youngest child was diagnosed with congenital heart disease in 2013, a trial that fueled Tracy's unwavering faith and propelled her to illuminate the challenges of CHD, offering hope to families facing similar struggles. Transitioning from a 27-year career in accounting and finance, Tracy fearlessly pursued her childhood passion for writing, becoming an inspirational author. Alongside her supportive husband, Rob, she resides in Northeast Ohio, where she actively engages in her community and fosters spiritual growth through her involvement in Christian education. Tracy's pursuits extend beyond the written word; she finds solace and empowerment in Taekwondo, earning a black belt in 2019 and continually seeking personal growth through martial arts.

Author Q&A

( Click the link to read the full article )

Prayerful Warrior Mom is available for purchase on Amazon

Tracy A. Ripley Releases New Inspirational Memoir – Prayerful Warrior Mom

Prayerful Warrior Mom: Embracing Faith through the Storms of Your Child's Congenital Heart Journey is an inspirational spiritual and medical memoir that illuminates the path to self-discovery through faith and resilience.

Tracy A. Ripley announces the release of her empowering memoir, Prayerful Warrior Mom. Independently published and now available to the public, Ripley’s heartfelt narrative sheds light on the power of faith and resilience in navigating life’s most challenging trials.

Prayerful Warrior Mom chronicles Tracy Ripley’s deeply personal journey through her son’s battle with congenital heart disease (CHD). With unwavering faith as her compass, Tracy shares her story of hope, resilience, and the transformative power of forgiveness. From the depths of despair to the heights of triumph, Tracy’s journey serves as a testament to the strength found in surrendering to a higher power.

In this compelling memoir, readers will discover:

  • Strategies for setting healthy boundaries and overcoming adversity
  • Inspirational life lessons to help find balance and fulfillment
  • Practical tips for releasing guilt and embracing forgiveness
  • Faith-based guidance on surrendering burdens to God and trusting in His plan
  • Empowering techniques for focusing on what can be controlled and seeking support

Tracy’s intimate prayers to God serve as a poignant reminder of the solace found in faith during life’s darkest moments. Her story resonates particularly with career mothers, offering insight into the delicate balance between professional responsibilities and caring for a sick child.

Supported by her family, friends, and church community, Tracy Ripley’s journey embodies the resilience of the human spirit. Through her testimony, she spreads awareness of CHD and provides hope to families facing similar challenges.

Prayerful Warrior Mom is a testament to the transformative power of faith and resilience. Tracy Ripley’s memoir offers guidance, solace, and inspiration to all those navigating life’s unexpected storms.

To join Tracy Ripley on her journey of faith and resilience, purchase your copy of Prayerful Warrior Mom today, available for purchase online at sites like Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

For more information about the author and her work, visit Tracy Ripley's website and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.


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Ebook Details
  • 11/2023
  • 9798891092112 B0CKPYZ92T
  • 282 pages
  • $4.99
Hardcover Book Details
  • 10/2023
  • 9798891092402 B0CKXPP2D6
  • 282 pages
  • $31.43
Paperback Book Details
  • 10/2023
  • 9798891092105 B0CKNY2VG2
  • 282 pages
  • $19.99
