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paperback Details
  • 10/2022
  • 978-0984074075 B0B86QJTCK
  • 330 pages
  • $14.95
Tara Platt
Prep School for Serial Killers
Tara Platt, Author
There aren't many comforts at Anathema's school. Only those who test highest on the Psychopath Scale get in, and though the government's experiment with the water supply decades ago left the entire population with limited empathy, these students are exceptionally suited for the role for which they're being groomed. With no family, and with friendship a foreign concept, Anathema finds solace only in how gifted she is at learning the art of death and in the few moments she can get alone with a long-gone student’s journal that she’s discovered hidden in her room. As the days tick closer to the culmination of her studies, or "Kill Slip Day," the mysteries within the journal begin to contaminate Anathema’s reality. For the first time, she begins to question both the role that's been chosen for her and the value of her own life. As the past comes into sharper focus, the real game Anathema's playing is revealed, and everyone at the school presents a deadly hurdle to her ever being able to escape the Prep School for Serial Killers.
Plot/Idea: 9 out of 10
Originality: 9 out of 10
Prose: 8 out of 10
Character/Execution: 8 out of 10
Overall: 8.50 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Prep School for Serial Killers envisions a unique future world in which an experiment has resulted in a population largely without the capacity for empathy. Crafting a scenario in which psychopathic traits are considered a strength, Platt delivers a thought-provoking and entertaining scenario that unfolds with careful plotting. 

Prose: Platt's prose is expressive and evocative, with vivid imagery employed throughout. 

Originality: The author's concept allows the work to stand apart. While additional worldbuilding and establishment of the circumstances leading to the present-day events may benefit the story, the concept truly shines.

Character/Execution: Platt creates a cast of characters who, while psychopathic in nature, are never simplistic. Through Anathema, Platt explores ideas of individuality, empathy, and what it means to be fully human. 

Date Submitted: April 09, 2023

paperback Details
  • 10/2022
  • 978-0984074075 B0B86QJTCK
  • 330 pages
  • $14.95
