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Matson Sewell
Private Access
PRIVATE ACCESS is a psychological and high-tech suspense/thriller where covert corporate greed uses Big Data and super-computing capacity for specialized investigations. “ACCESS” is a clandestine marketing and matchmaking company. It’s fueled by a supercomputer and a director who will do anything to make his clients happy . . . and make millions. He uses access (both illegal and legal) to the countless digitized databases now in existence. This data is combined with the extraordinary amount of personal information voluntarily revealed on social media sites to identify individuals or groups that meet his clients’ requirements. Eve Bryson, the stunning sole survivor of her patrician Boston family, unwittingly slips into the cross-hairs of a secret national search for the perfect partner of a billionaire surgeon and his match requirements include an ominous biological component. As Eve becomes alarmed at suggested intrusions into her private life, she consults a psychiatrist who’d been a friend of her recently deceased sister. Unsure if she is experiencing paranoid side-effects of grief or if her fears are legitimate, Eve sets out to explore three mysteries: the dark secrets of her family, the reasons for her distorted visual perceptions and the source of her life-long, unrelenting fear. Unknown to Eve, her psychiatrist’s perspective has been skewed toward minimizing her patient’s fears about threats coming from outside her own psyche. Can Eve uncover her deepest truth in time to protect herself against a predator who wants to own her—body, mind and spirit?
Plot/Idea: 8 out of 10
Originality: 9 out of 10
Prose: 9 out of 10
Character/Execution: 9 out of 10
Overall: 8.75 out of 10


Plot: The author deftly jumps between locations and characters, tying the action-packed story together seamlessly. Readers will be captivated until the very end.

Prose: This novel is well crafted. The author makes effective use of foreshadowing and suspenseful chapter conclusions. 

Originality: Data mining and individual privacy questions are compelling additions that leave readers with plenty to consider.

Character Development: Sewell deftly unravels information about the characters, adding depth and authenticity to each one.

Date Submitted: August 07, 2018

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