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Ebook Details
  • 11/2023
  • 9798223521006
  • 95 pages
  • $2.77
Paperback Details
  • 11/2023
  • 9798223275275
  • 134 pages
  • $9.97
Robert Hall
Author, Illustrator
Proof God Is
Robert Hall, author
I’ll offer absolute proof of the existence of God but first I’d like you to understand a little about my life. I enjoy a strong and growing faith in Source. Not the God as depicted in the Bible who is jealous, vindictive, angry, and demanding of worship. Not the God who created hell and required the sacrifice of His Son to save us from it. Not the God who “calls’ young children Home.Our God is the Ultimate, Eternal Expression of Love. To me this is Truth. It does not matter one iota to me if you believe in God or not, I mean it’s a belief. Right? My manuscripts are simply to share my perception of Truth and not to “save” anybody. These are over a decade of writings and if they instill in you a growing peace, then you’ll experience the “fruits” of Truth also. \t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t Our Tragic 2nd Honeymoon We have 3 adult children who are all married and 4 grandchildren. I’ll be 71 in November and was married for 20 years to Mary Jo. The 1st 10 years of our marriage were, to say the least, rocky. The last 10 years were really quite beautiful as we had grown to be one another’s best friends. Oct.16th, 2000 started out absolutely wonderful but ended up in disaster. M.J. had sold newspaper advertisements for years and had accepted a much higher-paying job selling television commercials for the local cable company. She was very attractive, highly intelligent, and very articulate. In her first year, she ended up being the best producer in the Pittsburgh district and earned, not won, a 5-day vacation on Carnival Cruise Lines. When informed of this, we were naturally excited as we had never been on a cruise ship. We had to wait about 5 months and would periodically say, “One day closer.” We had both worked very hard and were excited to go on our 2nd honeymoon. The time finally arrived, and we flew out on a Sunday, achieving our Florida destination in the early evening. She was like a little girl. Not having flown since she was 16, now 43, she was really nervous upon takeoff; had her head on my shoulder and was tightly hugging my arm. The ship set sail for Nassau. Monday we stopped at a small island. And looked at the local vendors’ merchandise. The last item Mary Jo ever purchased was a cross. That evening we attended Captain’s Dinner. Mary Jo had on a black, sequin gown and was absolutely beautiful. After dinner, we watched a Broadway-style show. We next had our pictures taken. These are the most precious items I own. In the last picture taken, she has her hand on my heart. We went to a club which had a dance floor. We loved to dance. We were both drinking champagne. Mary Jo would only drink on New Year’s Eve. This was a very special occasion. We danced and sat down. She was to my right. She died.
Ebook Details
  • 11/2023
  • 9798223521006
  • 95 pages
  • $2.77
Paperback Details
  • 11/2023
  • 9798223275275
  • 134 pages
  • $9.97
