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Jared Garrett
Author, Contributor
Push (The Beat Series 2)
Two months after the attack on New Frisko, Nik Granger and the other survivors have found safety in the hills outside the city. After finishing a patrol, Nik returns to camp to discover that of Prime Administrator Holland and his enforcers have killed or captured most of their colony--including Nik's parents. Barely escaping with their lives, Nik and his friends, fight to save their loved ones at any cost. As they travel through what's left of America, they face danger at every turn. But with the world against them, can they make it in time to save what's left of humanity?

I pre-ordered this book because I enjoyed the first book called "BEAT" in this series. I received an advanced reader's copy (ARC) from the publisher. I think PUSH builds upon many of the great things I liked about "BEAT", provides some excellent details to fill in the back story from the first book, continues the sci-fi, dystopian feel of BEAT, while branching out into new territory for the series. Some of the new territory works well for this series, some of the new ideas in the book might work well for some readers and not for others. This book seems to have a little more teenage, "coming-of-age" awkwardness and romance than I recall from the first, which isn't necessarily my favorite thing to read in a sci-fi, dystopian book but I could see how it might appeal to other readers. The aspects of this book that I really liked I can't get too much into without spoiling but I'll give a few tidbits.

There are some really funny moments, that I enjoyed, some really cool sci-fi technology moments and complex human sociological moments, with ideas about why do bad things happen, who's fault is it really, how do we push on ahead after major catastrophic events and wicked people are doing bad things in the world. All very relevant topics right now. Overall, I think the book gets a lot of things right and should appeal to a lot of readers. Some parts weren't as interesting to me, but as I read further there was always something that caught my attention and kept me engaged. Overall, PUSH is another solid piece of literature from Mr. Garrett and it adds more depth and richness to this series and keeps us engaged, wondering where the characters will go next, what awesome, technological wonders we'll get to learn about and see the characters interact with in the next book and how will the characters deal with all the strange, crazy, sometimes fun and overall complex, engaging obstacles life has to throw at them, just like life throws at us every day. Another solid entry in this series. Nice work.

