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Queen of the Side Hustle: Unleashing your Potential for Extra Income
Are you ready to rake in extra income with a side hustle? Over 1/3 of Americans now earn an average of $1000 in extra cash every month…and you could be one of them! In this informative and easy-to-read side-hustle guide, award-winning web series host and #1 Amazon best-selling author Christine Schaub shows you how she manages six different side hustles to monetize her skills and passions, whilst encouraging YOU to jump aboard the hustle train. Whether you are a man, woman, teenager, or retiree looking for extra income, Christine shares the process for finding your niche, getting the word out, managing your time, and increasing your value using the best side-hustle ideas. You'll even find a handy list of some of the most lucrative side-hustles to inspire you to start pulling in extra cash today! In that process, you may get slapped on the head with some unique challenges, tax dilemmas, and a solid urge to quit. Christine has been there and done that, and she shares the answers to the most common and obscure questions about succeeding in any type of side hustle. Follow the steps, fill out the worksheets, start hustling, then rake in the dough. Who knows? You might just get to kiss the corporate world goodbye!
