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Paperback Book Details
  • 08/2024
  • 9798985102475 B0DCJS7V9F
  • 258 pages
  • $12.99
BB Clifford
Rainbow Warrior
BB Clifford, author
More than a year has passed since the fire. The destruction of a home is bad enough, but the remaining members of Dylan’s family perished in the fire, so grief has followed Dylan in relentless pursuit. Never one to pass up an opportunity, Max, Dylan’s first love, seized what he could from a grief-stricken Dylan. He would have taken everything, but the fire gave Dylan an inexplicable strength to escape, so they fled Rotherwell in search of a new life across the Atlantic. But Max doesn’t let his possessions slip through his fingers so easily. He is gaining on Dylan, and he intends to drag them back to Rotherwell to resolve their unfinished business. Before they left Rotherwell, Dylan saw something scuttling about the charred bricks and broken window frames of their family home. They recognized the creature, and it was as familiar as the burning sensation deep beneath their skin. The creature revealed to Dylan that greed was causing the burning sensation, and it was this same greed that had driven Dylan’s father to commit so much violence. Terrified that Dylan’s father might inflict more horrors from beyond the grave, Dylan vowed never to return to Rotherwell. Lost in the dismal grey of London, Dylan hopes that the incessant rain will cool the burning greed beneath their skin and keep them safe from Max. But an international border cannot contain horrors, just as one generation cannot contain trauma, genetic quirks, and contaminants. As time runs out for Dylan, they realize that the fire was just the beginning.
Paperback Book Details
  • 08/2024
  • 9798985102475 B0DCJS7V9F
  • 258 pages
  • $12.99
