Re-Wired by Greg Dragon tells the story of Brad Barkley, a student busy with creating his new android, Tricia. His only break is a few exchanges with his college mate, Mika, with whom he is unsuccessful in making a romantic connection. Tricia, in the meantime, is slowly coming to life, connecting herself to the internet, recharging herself with the laws extant on robotics, and becoming more alive. In order to meet the expenses of completing Tricia and her costly skin to make his robot as close to a human as feasible, Brad agrees to take part in a drug testing program of a mysterious drug, Lightning, which can alter one's reality. He also gets arrested for mechanophilia, improper relations between a human and a robot, giving Tricia the opportunity of coming to the rescue of her creator.
Re-Wired by Greg Dragon, while providing the reader with a great literary feast, asks some basic questions in the realm of Artificial Intelligence. The legal validity of creating a robot to be appropriated as one's partner; whether considering robots as another species of life is acceptable; causing death to a robot (of course, this involves mechanical dismantling) as a recognizable offense; and the possibility of robots getting a new attribute, such as amorousness are some of the rather hazy topics the story handles. The main character, the nerd who is always unlucky with women, reminds me of my college days, especially of the studious ones amongst us. Greg Dragon has a fertile imagination and, together with an easy flowing narration, has produced a very good read.
Robotics student Brad Barkley has created the perfect woman. The only problem is she's an android, and her creator realizes too late he may have made her too perfect. After Brad's ultimate failure with women nearly consumes him, he discovers Tricia, his android, may be able to rescue him from a life of loneliness, if he and the human race are willing to pay the price.
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