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Paperback Details
  • 11/2018
  • 978-1-7328987-0-7 1732898707
  • 26 pages
  • $8.99
Michael Albanese
Reach for the Stars
“How do we reach our dreams when they seem so far away?” “You reach your dreams by reaching for the stars. Every day, trust God, work hard and be patient.” Inspired by a real-life bedtime routine between a father and his daughters, this sincere tale chronicles a man and his family as they grow together through the generations. With vivid pictures and a heartfelt story, "Reach for the Stars" is sure to capture the attention and hearts of young and old alike. Meet Edward and his daughter Elizabeth as together they reach for the stars!
Paperback Details
  • 11/2018
  • 978-1-7328987-0-7 1732898707
  • 26 pages
  • $8.99
