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Peder Tellefsdal
Rebranding The Church
Why do Church leaders and Christian organizations struggle to connect with modern audiences? Where once the church was a cornerstone of local communities, today many people believe it is irrelevant or out of touch. And so, church leaders are now stuck between a warped public perception and the true message of the Gospel. If you care about the Christian message today, it is hard not to feel discouraged. But what if we look at this all wrong? What if the problem isn’t that people don’t care but that the messaging around the Gospel is confusing and unrelatable? If you want people to join your movement, you have to tell them a story they actually want to be in. Peder Tellefsdal has set out to help make the Gospel relevant again to modern audiences. His TEDx talk "How to seek forgiveness when relationships are on the line” has 1.7 million views (PS! This is the first part of the back cover. The rest underneath - back cover text)
