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Ebook Details
  • 05/2023
  • B0BS21QXRB
  • 548 pages
  • $2.99
Kathryn C. Kelly

Adult; Romance; (Create)

Being the son of a legend isn’t easy. And though sixteen-year-old CJ Caldwell idolizes his father, Outlaw, he’s not sure he’ll ever live up to the Caldwell reputation. Worse, he’s not sure he’ll be given the chance. CJ is expected to finish high school and go to college before he will even be considered as a prospect for the Death Dwellers. Meanwhile, Outlaw wants the option of a different life for his son. Whether or not the boy belongs to the MC, isn’t a requirement of his and Meggie’s love and support. As he tries to convince his boy to choose a different path in life, Outlaw is unaware of how far into the biker life CJ already is. When he takes his woman and their other kids on a vacation and leaves his beloved firstborn home because of football camp, the unimaginable happens that will forever change the Caldwell family. There’s only one thing CJ wants more than his father’s approval, the only girl for him, Harley Banks. But when he asks her to go steady, she shoots him down cold, breaking his heart—and little does he know, breaking her own heart. Now CJ is faced with becoming a man, coping with heartache, and trying to save his younger cousin Ryan from hanging out with the wrong crowd. A crowd who is targeting Harley. CJ is even more hurt that she didn’t trust him enough to ask for help—that hurt fueling the anger already building, skewing CJ’s decisions which go from good to stupid to downright dangerous. Then tragedy strikes, reducing one of the MC member's houses to ashes, and destroying a trust that may never be restored. Life altering mistakes will be made. Some will live, some will die. And the brutal, bloody reality of being a Death Dweller will spill onto another generation…
Ebook Details
  • 05/2023
  • B0BS21QXRB
  • 548 pages
  • $2.99
