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Gail Hulnick
Resorting to Larceny
Gail Hulnick, author
Along the scenic back roads of Coastal Georgia and the South Carolina Lowcountry, the live oaks and Spanish moss wave gently on the breeze. But are the dappled shade and lowcountry quiet ready for the ragtag collection of wannabe car race drivers, gearheads and grease monkeys taking a hairpin turn to glory? In this breezy beach read, these not-ready-for-prime-time car jocks have concocted their own motorsports extravaganza. But as the revs build, valuable items begin to disappear. Do the fast fingers belong to the disgraced Formula 1 driver? Or maybe the meddling mother-in-law? When the checkered flag finally drops, is it grand prix or grand theft?
