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Ebook Details
  • 11/2020
  • 978-0-9995956-5-7
  • 130 pages
  • $5.99
Paperback Details
  • 11/2020
  • 978-0-9995956-4-0
  • 130 pages
  • $9.99
Julia Goldstein
Rethink the Bins

Have you heard that recycling is broken? Let’s fix it. If you want to reduce the amount of waste you generate but aren’t sure where to begin, Rethink the Bins shows you how. The book will help you:

  • Understand what happens to waste after the bins leave your curb or building
  • Implement best practices for recycling and composting
  • Feel empowered to start with small changes that make a difference
  • Create SMART goals around waste reduction and recycling

You will become more confident that the items you toss into recycling and compost bins are actually being recycled or composted. Once you have made changes at home, you will probably want to share the message with your friends and neighbors. Rethink the Bins is your next step on a path to a less wasteful future and recycling that works.

Recycling Course Launches on New Online Learning Platform

A new mini-course helps clear up the confusion around recycling and composting. With just over 30 minutes of videos in six lessons, plus two quizzes, the course gives a quick overview of how recycling works. "Rethink the Bins: Best Practices for Smart Recycling and Composting," is available on Yumva, a new platform offering free online courses on a variety of topics. The course content is based on information from instructor Julia Goldstein's upcoming book, Rethink the Bins.

Ebook Details
  • 11/2020
  • 978-0-9995956-5-7
  • 130 pages
  • $5.99
Paperback Details
  • 11/2020
  • 978-0-9995956-4-0
  • 130 pages
  • $9.99
