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Robert Beshara
Reviews: Essays on Cinema
This book is a collection of essays--film reviews for the most part written between 2010 and 2017, or when I was a graduate student pursuing two terminal degrees: first an MFA in Independent Film and Digital Imaging at Governors State University then a PhD in Psychology: Consciousness and Experience at The University of West Georgia. It includes detailed critiques of various movies screened at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2010 and insights into the experiences of attending the festival. The reviews cover many films, from documentaries to dramas, and provide a glimpse into the filmmaker's perspective. Additionally, I share thoughts on the filmmaking process, the challenges of getting films accepted into festivals, and the idea of starting a film festival dedicated to marginalized filmmakers. The book also delves into filmmaking's technical and artistic aspects, emphasizing the importance of storytelling, aesthetics, and mastering the craft.
