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Paperback Book Details
  • 05/2024
  • 9798990264304
  • 272 pages
  • $18.99
Revolutionary Optimism: 7-Steps to Living As a Love-Centered Activist
Dr. Paul Zeitz is a preventive medicine physician, epidemiologist, author, and award-winning champion of global justice and human rights. He has been on the front lines of the call for a permanent ceasefire in the Israel / Gaza War. Dr. Zeitz joined the Rabbis for a Ceasefire at the Israel/Gaza Erez border crossing point as they attempted to bring food aid into Gaza. The U.S.-based organization included eleven U.S. rabbis, several Israeli rabbis, and many other Israeli Jews. Ordained by Rabbi Shefa Gold as a Shir Hashirim Rabbi in 2023, Dr. Zeitz has worked for decades in the global AIDS movement, climate transformation efforts, racial and gender equity, sustainable development, and international child welfare. Often when the odds against success appeared to be insurmountable, Dr. Zeitz’ leadership led to victories. Through his many challenges and experiences, he has learned to fail forward. In his new book, Revolutionary Optimism: 7 Steps for Living as a Love-Centered Activist (on Amazon; May 1, 2024), Dr. Zeitz continues that tradition by offering readers seven concrete steps to improving their lives and the lives of those around them. “Revolutionary Optimism is the antidote to anxiety and apathy,” explains Dr. Zeitz. “I have written about the 7 Steps that helped me with three life-changing actionable strategies that include choosing to put love at the center of all you do to achieve your highest potential, focusing on political imagination and manifesting your vision for a better world, and Discovering how to take action and contribute to peaceful movements. My goal is to help people, young and old, to work together to bring out families closer and improve the beautiful world we live in.” His committed work over the past thirty years reveals a deep truth: When we look within and approach our personal healing work with self-compassion, we strengthen ourselves and are better able to extend a hand and heart of peace to others—to serve and participate in the urgent issues of the day with empathy, understanding, and wisdom. In Revolutionary Optimism: 7 Steps for Living as a Love-Centered Activist, the reader learns how to break free from feelings of confusion, pessimism, and cynicism about the world and step into a place of empowerment, resourcefulness, and inspiration. “Unlike other books that focus solely on practical activism,” explains Dr. Zeitz, “this book first speaks to personal transformation. We must commit to becoming a centered activist if we wish to foster change without rage, anger, and violence.” This handbook is for anyone ready to follow a passionate call to action. It offers a “how to” approach to practical activism. Dr. Zeitz shows how you can, one step at a time, become part of global movements or ultimately lead one yourself. In Revolutionary Optimism, Dr. Zeitz chronicles how his work as a U.N. and U.S. public health doctor and epidemiologist on the AIDS epidemic was stymied by bureaucracy, politics, and other factors that worked against solutions. Frustrated, he looked for other ways to create alliances that led to a charge for change that saved the lives of millions. He reveals his transformation, from anger and frustration to choosing to put positive actions at the center of his efforts. He shares the impact of how positive communication has changed the dynamic with co-activists, and even the opposition…something that immeasurably has improved all areas of his life, his relationships, and the ultimate outcomes of his movements. “Revolutionary Optimism provides action steps, tools, and practices for awakening your political imagination, your bravery, and unifying with others to achieve transformations that up until now may have seemed unattainable. I’ve laid out seven steps to show you how you can adapt Revolutionary Optimism and live your life fully empowered to serve in your highest capacity as a love-centered activist,” writes Dr. Zeitz.
Paperback Book Details
  • 05/2024
  • 9798990264304
  • 272 pages
  • $18.99
