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Rideshares, Wrecks, and Sex: Confessions of a Convicted Uber Driver
As most Uber drivers do, I began sharing rides with the audacious hope to one day escape the legal and financial road blocks stalling my merger onto the freeway of creative success. But when a typical shift U-turns into a series of detours involving Android ordered lovers, herpes ridden riders, sexy sorority sisters, a botched bachelor party, and blundering bank robbers, I arrive (at gunpoint) miles from my desired destination. "Rideshares, Wrecks, and Sex: Confessions of a Convicted Uber Driver" is based upon actual events that transpired over the year that I covertly drove for Uber while on intensive probation. I confesses outlandish details in a highlight reel of wrecks (both car and train) and sex, effectively answering the question every Uber rider has begged to know from me: "What's your craziest story?"
