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Kindle Edition Digital Ebook Purchas Details
  • B0BXFMT4K9
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Mariah Brotzman
Rosetta Dagotto and the Fight For the Underworld
A sixteen-year-old student named Nova Tyler McNaughton died on the way to school. Nova was hit when he saved a little girl who had been chasing after a ball. The last thing he saw when he died was the little girl and her Mom hovering over his dying form and hearing a man calling the ambulance. Nova awoke in the Underworld where Charon, the ferryman, was there to meet him. Nova is gifted with Elysium and that is where he stayed for the next ten years. Rosetta Dagotto is a sixteen-year-old girl in High School who wants to go on a quest to save her Mom from the Underworld. She found out two years prior that she is the daughter of Apollo and has been doing everything in her power to research her legacy and become an excellent archer. She has powers hidden deep within her and needs to access them. She has to visit Mount Olympus first. Apollo hadn't told her the location of the Underworld and she needs him to tell her. She travels to Denali, Alaska where Mount Olympus is located. There she meets a Faun that helps her climb the mountain to reach Olympus. She has a discussion with the Olympian council where she is given a quest. The Underworld has been taken over by Erebus, the god of darkness. He overthrew Hades and closed the gates of hell. Erebus is torturing souls and forcing them to make armor and weapons for his army of darkness. Nova is down there trying to stop this travesty by working with Charon. Artemis, the goddess of the moon, was kidnapped by Erebus, and Apollo has given Rosetta the task of freeing her from her prison. Rosetta and her friends go up against harpies, ice giants, and Echidna who are all working for Erebus in an attempt to stop her from reaching her destination. The Olympians seem to believe that Nova and Rosetta can save the Underworld and stop Erebus from taking his army to the land of the living where he plans to make the mortals his slaves. Gods can't go into each other's domains so it is up to Rosetta, Nova, and Dimi to save the world.
Kindle Edition Digital Ebook Purchas Details
  • B0BXFMT4K9
  • pages
  • $
