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Paperback Book Details
  • 10/2018
  • 9781945548048 1945548045
  • 136 pages
  • $6.99
Ebook Details
  • 10/2018
  • 9781945548031 B07JNRQRFV
  • 138 pages
  • $2.99
Jennifer R. Donohue
Run With the Hunted
In the fast-paced, tech-heavy future, diamonds are still a girl’s best friend. Bristol is more than happy to get dressed up and crash a private diamond sale that her hacker associate, Bits, has caught wind of on the deep web. The job is unbelievably simple and the getaway is a breeze; Dolly barely even gets to fire a shot during the holdup. But in the days that follow, things start to go wrong. Bristol’s dinner party is raided, their buyer backs out, and they find themselves on the run in a heavily surveilled city. Now that it’s become clear these diamonds are more than meets the eye, the trio has to find out who wants them enough to kill for it.
Paperback Book Details
  • 10/2018
  • 9781945548048 1945548045
  • 136 pages
  • $6.99
Ebook Details
  • 10/2018
  • 9781945548031 B07JNRQRFV
  • 138 pages
  • $2.99
