“Maitland cultivates a fast-paced story and expressive flavor in her writing that keeps the action nonstop and centered on the boys’ experiences and observations. As the story unfolds, middle grade readers receive important lessons about early immigrant experiences and motivations through the eyes of two young people who move into adulthood through a difficult coming of age adventure among adults.
Runaway at Sea is not only a story of survival or maturity, but a close inspection of early immigrant lives and adventure that personalizes the trials and confrontations of two teens who stowaway on a ship, bound for new lives.
Young fans of adventure stories will find the history easy to absorb against the backdrop of many different discoveries. The tale is highly recommended for middle-grade collections seeking high adventure, historical detail, and nicely developed, believable characters throughout. “
Runaway At Sea does what every good read should: transport the reader to a different time and place. During your adventure, you’ll sail the seas and trek through the rain forest alongside 12-year-old Robert and his best friend Michael as they run from their problems. But as these boys begin their journey into manhood, they learn an important lesson: you can’t run away from your problems.
Today's episode is in two parts! During the first half Maggie and Julia chat about Scotland and the notorious VE Schwab while discussing the novel City of Ghosts.
During the second half, Maggie sits down with Margreit Maitland and Stephanie Rabell to talk all about Maitland's novel Runaway at Sea. The book follows the true story of her great-great-great grandfather and is an epic tale of bravery and adventure.
For more information about Margreit and her books, be sure to visit runawayatsea.com.
For more information about Stephanie Rabell and her Bookstagram, be sure to visit her page @bookandwinelovers.
Thank you so much for listening and being a Novel Friend!