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Cindy Devereaux
Rusty - A Dog and His Angels

Adult; Spirituality/Inspirational; (Market)


Rusty, a terrier-chow mix, could be described as a loyal companion, teacher, best friend and the neighborhood mascot. He was known for his playfulness and sweet disposition. His family adored him and all of the neighbors lovingly looked after him as if he were their own.  

The author received a channeled message from Archangel Michael at an International Angel Day workshop. It said: “don’t worry about Rusty -- the angels are looking after him.”

Two years later the reason for this message became clear when Rusty’s idyllic lifestyle was unexpectedly interrupted.

She was guided to call on the angels. They lovingly responded and quickly fulfilled Archangel Michael's promise.

That is why his story is entitled: Rusty - A Dog and His Angels.



Annmarie Fowler - Isle of Lewis, Scotland

" Cindy Devereaux has produced a thoroughly enjoyable book which emotively touches anyone who has ever enjoyed the blessed company of a much loved family pet. There was clearly a recognition of kindred spirits in the special relationship she enjoyed with Rusty, much as would be the experience of anyone who enjoyed a special connection with their beloved furry kin. Reading her accounts of the sweet interaction between Rusty and most of the human beings who had the privilege to meet him, clearly introduced us to a remarkable little character who healed and gave solace to many souls during his short life. 

It is difficult, having come to know this loving soul, to witness his hardship at the hands of Justin, after the sad loss of his most constant companion, Cindy’s father, Alexander. His life as a valued family member ended at home and he gradually became more and more neglected and cruelly treated. We can only surmise that this was some chosen soul lesson, and indeed the comforting words from Archangel Michael, through Doreen Virtue, intimated to Cindy that, despite his trials, Rusty would eventually have a better future. 

It is most interesting to read of Cindy’s own personal spiritual development through the narrative. I have a strong feeling that there could be sequel as the soul connection she had with Rusty is eternal, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised to be reading of the signs and converse between Rusty and Cindy in the years to come."

Arvinder Chauhan - New Delhi, India

"A beautiful story of human-animal relationship. Teaching lessons of unconditional love and the havoc the absence of it can create in any being’s life. This real-life story will touch any dog lover’s heart. The part where Rusty, the main character of the story, is handed over to his new owners brought tears to my eyes. On the other hand it was motivating to know that there are some people who can love another persons pet as their own. The last part of the book is what really touched my heart where Cindy talks about pets waiting for you on the other side. Made me feel nice to know that I would be able to meet my special friends one day." 

Mary Seymour, CEO - Barnett Group International - New York, NY

" Reading Ms. Devereaux's marvelous story allowed me to reflect on the warm and happy memory of my experience with a family dog. Rusty - A Dog and His Angels sends loving energy to every page of this delightful story. The author embraces a genuine language filled with honesty and humor. We may not live in a perfect world, but Rusty - A Dog and His Angels allows us to experience a dog's unrelenting love, kindness and wisdom."

Rev. Luey Anderson - Seattle, WA

"Cindy Devereaux's book, Rusty: A Dog and His Angels, is a warm, life affirming story and I will share it with family and friends. It's a quick enjoyable read that's full of meaning. It brought back many memories of some of my best and cat friends, that I have had in my life. I miss them all very much, but know I will see them some day on the other side. Anyone that thinks animals don't have souls is very much mistaken, and if they will only read this book I think they will have a change of heart."  

