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Sam, Maddie, and the Mirror Dragon, two inspired teens and their quest to discover Mother Earth’s secrets
Sam, Maddie, and the Mirror Dragon, by first time Pacific Northwest author Elizabeth Flanders, with assistance from veteran New York writer and illustrator Evan Pritchard, is a story in the tradition of young adult fantasy. Its dual 14-year-old protagonists Sam and Maddie, neighbors in a rural town in Washington State, are drawn unexpectedly into The Mother Tree's powerful vortex, and find a portal where they meet SilverLight, a thousands-years-old master dragon, and she begins to teach them Mother Earth's Secrets as no mere mortal could. To train the two teens to become Galactic Guardian-Level Earth-Protectors, SilverLight magically transports them back and forth between the everyday world of school and family and the various Realms of Possibilities that exist in other dimensions. A unique blend of natural and supernatural, this inspirational and highly educational novel provides up-to-date information about the environmental dangers facing young adults today and what they can do to respond as Earth- and Water-Protectors.
