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Paperback Book Details
  • 09/2023
  • 979-8-9889722-7-3
  • 116 pages
  • $13.95
Michael Lane
Michael Lane, author

Adult; Poetry; (Market)

Who are we? Why are we? What are we? Essential, mindful questions most humans explore on their limited expedition through this magical, choppy life. Sandbox is a poetry collection that dips a long crooked ladle into the cool wellspring of restless curiosities surrounding some of those disquieting queries. The topics vary, as do we: love, passion, purpose, life, death, humanity, nature, faith, and more. Our aches and pains, joys, and jubilations are exposed and celebrated here. It has been said, “Life is a journey, not a destination.” Sandbox is a thought-provoking lyrical tour of one person’s interpretations of how we inhabit this earth when the soul is laid bare along that journey.

Paperback Book Details
  • 09/2023
  • 979-8-9889722-7-3
  • 116 pages
  • $13.95
