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Saving Karma
Reid Bracken, author

Adult; Mystery/Thriller; (Publish)

When Bree Thomas is betrayed, it becomes a race against time to save the people she put in harm’s way, rescue a young girl from a horrible fate and uncover the truth behind the death of her parents in Thailand years ago.
Reader's Favorite

Saving Karma is a tale of crime, murder, conspiracy, corruption, and omnipotence by Reid Bracken. As Bree Thomas pondered her future after graduation from Victor Valley High School, she knew that she had many obstacles to overcome. Bree's Aunt Liz was in denial that her husband, Jeff, had a habit of attempting to sexually assault young Bree in her absence. With no financial prospects to advance her in life, Bree was suddenly offered a scholarship by the Meng Foundation in China. After six months of exhaustive training to help Bree become the best secret operative she could be, Bree is recruited by Jade Sutthani of Meng Foundation, working directly for Aslam Meng - one of the most powerful and well-known philanthropists in the world. Partnered with Nikko, a girl Bree's age, their objective is to rescue refugee children who have lost their families and offer them a new life and future behind the walls of a highly secretive city in China. After rescuing a young girl, Karma, Bree realizes that the children she had just saved were from a child sex trade and feels happy to have given them a brighter future. With unanswered questions, however, Bree digs deeper and discovers that there are far worse horrors than what she had saved Karma from. With Nikko's help and trust in her American/Chinese friends, Bree puts her life on the line to not only try to rescue Karma from the new hell she'd just delivered her to, but also bring down a sadistic trade in illegal dealings which bring about the countless deaths of so many unsuspecting rescuees.

Bree Thomas is a character this world so desperately needs. Reid Bracken's story of a young girl who is a victim of bullying at high school - but also has the strength and resolve to defend herself in any situation - gave me pause for thought on many levels. Not only did Bree have to fight off the constant slimy sexual advances of her guardian's new husband, but she was also able to physically take him down when he acted on his threats. I very much enjoy stories of strong women who learn to defend themselves and then use their defensive techniques to better the world in some way. Bree Thomas was a true asset to anyone who would put their faith in her, but she also had a conscience and a strong desire to do good in the world. Each new chapter of this incredible story brought about a different scenario of what was happening behind the scenes, some of which were so sinister it almost made my hair stand on end. Saving Karma is filled with action and adventure, and is so realistically written while bringing the horrific secrets to life with each layer that was slowly removed. I recommend Saving Karma to be read by those over the age of 15 who enjoy a fast-paced, high-octane dose of what can happen when too much power lands at the feet of someone with nothing but sinister plans for our world.

